Wednesday 4 April 2018

Course Overview

If you want to improve your English language skills, this educational blog will have something for you.
 My blog helps people not only improve all their language skills but learn the differences between British and American English.

My blogging goals:

1) Raise students' motivation for learning.

2) Help students to understand common differences between British and American English pronunciation, grammar, and spelling.

3) Promote  students’ autonomy.

4) Develop  their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.

5) Provide interesting materials, possibly at least to a certain degree new and methodologically contributive.

Outcomes of this course

Upon completion of this course, you will be able:

  • to expand your vocabulary in British and American English;
  • to receive  an ability to distinguish between two English varieties; 
  • to use the appropriate language according to the particular situation and context;
  • to  broaden your cultural experience regarding life of English-speaking countries;
  • to obtain a kind of framework to organize your existing English knowledge and to ensure its use.

Time frame

You will need approximately 32 academic hours to complete all the recommended activities.

Course requirements

For successful passing this course students are required to attend classes and submit homework on time. The course involves a lot of writing practice, so you should be prepared to take the time on homework. The Internet will be utilized as a resource. Therefore, you should be prepared to use the computers to perform your homework assignments.

During the course you will be required:
-to write the texts in British and American English;
-to attend classes on a weekly basis;
-to take some vocabulary and grammar quizzes;
-to write dictations;
-to create and learn dialogues;
-to create Mind maps;
-to solve crosswords.

Use mobile apps to carry out some assignments.
You can access the this course via the web browser or the mobile Blogger app.
The list of mobile apps required can be found in the Useful Web Links and Mobile apps section

External links and Resources

To complete the course and to do exercises you will use these applications and sites:
v What’s App


After you have completed my course, I would appreciate your taking a few moments to give me your feedback on any aspect of this course. Your feedback might include comments on:


Your constructive feedback will help me to improve and enhance this course.

I hope you will enjoy the course!

Sincerely Yours,
Vera Kucherova

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