Thursday 5 April 2018

Homework 1


Exercise 1

Follow the links. These tasks will help you to memorize new words.

Exercise 2

 Write your own dialogues on the basis of the following situations. Use as many new words as you can.

Situation number 1
Your friend has borrowed your car without your permission. Unfortunately, he has crashed your car into a tree. You are going to repair your car after the accident. You should explain the problems to the mechanics.

Situation number 2
You are a car seller. Try to sell the most expensive car to the man who has just won a lottery.

Exercise 3
Match parts of these sentences given in column A and column B to write five complete sentences.

Police found tyre 

in the trunk of her car.
Stolen goods were found 

clouds of smoke poured out.
Use your right turn signal to

tracks in the mud.
An aerial is a structure made of metal rods

indicate your intention to turn right.
looked under the bonnet

that receives or sends out radio signals.

Exercise 4
1)How many new words or expressions do you know? Write them down.

2)Write ten words and five expressions that you are going to memorize.

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